the society for young thinkers
Teacher-in-charge : Mdm Lee Siew Kee
President : Crystal Mok Sau Yin
Vice President : Yeo Wen Lin
Secretary : Loh Sok Cheng
Vice Secretary : Sarah Menon
Treasurer : Lim Jia Yi
Vice Treasurer : R. Sajina
Form 5 : Rebecca N.
Chong Pei Yi
Elaine Tan Jia Sie
Tan Lee Ting
G. Hamshaveni
G. Perevita
Lim Jia Ni
Subha Sri
T. Loshnee

Welcome to SMC Maths & Science Club Official Blog

A very warm welcome to all visitors. Hope that all of you will enjoy yourselves while browsing through our official blog.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Warm Thank You

A warm thank you to the Form 5 and Form 4 Mathematics and Science Society 2009members who participated in this year's activities and discussion as well as those who lend a hand in bringing the club to greater heights and as well as contributing the wonderful thougths and ideas which was brought up during our meetings .Our farewell party 2009 will be held most probably after the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia )2009 trials Examination.Wishing all the Form 5 members good luck and all the best in their examination as well as in their future challenges in life . In addition , we always hope and try our best to bringing the Mathematics and Science Society to even greater heights .

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mathematics 13 facts

1) 1 googol = 10100;
1 googolplex = 10googol = 1010100 .

2) 1089 multiplied by 9 gives an exact reverse: 9801.

3) From 0 to 1,000, the letter "A" only appears in 1,000 ("one thousand").
2 is called the "oddest" Even Prime-number. 2 is a unique Even Prime because all Even-numbers are divisible by 2. But any number apart from 2 that is divisible by 2, is not a Prime.

4) 1 × 9 + 2 = 11
12 × 9 + 3 = 111
123 × 9 + 4 = 1111
... and so on.

5)40 when written "forty" is the only number with letters in alphabetical order, while "one" is the only one with letters in reverse order.

6)Multiplication and succession: 142857 is a cyclic number, i.e., its digits are rotated around when multiplied by any number from 1 to 6. Like this:

7)142857 × 1 = 142857
142857 × 5 = 7 14285
142857 × 4 = 57 1428
142857 × 6 = 857 142
142857 × 2 = 2857 14
142857 × 3 = 42857 1

8) 1 × 8 + 1 = 9
12 × 8 + 2 = 98
123 × 8 + 3 = 987
and so on.

9)The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.

10)If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5...) the total is 5050.
The billionth digit of Pi is 9.
1 and 2 are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have.
11)2 and 5 are the only primes that end in 2 or 5.
12)The largest prime number is 9,808,358 digits long; more than the number of atoms in the universe.

13)The digits to the right of the Pi's (3.141...) decimal point can keep going forever, and there is no pattern to these digits at all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Our society conducted an activty called ' Inventors of the day '. Members was explained to the rules and themes provided . Each member was given an A4 size paper . The members was asked to draw and describe their invention based on the following themes :

a) Create an organism and describe it's features .
b) Create an invention which could help lessen mankind's burden .
c) Create the ultimate 'fruit'.
d) Create an new organ in the human body .
e) Create a new mathematical game .

The members were very participative and all in all put a good spirit of the ideas .

Plastic Milk Experiment

Our club did an experiment called the ' Plastic Milk ' . This experiment was particpated by the society members according to a procedure on the experiment . The experiment was held in the Biology Lab in our school and referring to the procedures as below :


One cup of milk
4 teaspoons of white vinegar
A bowl
A strainer
Adult help

Ask your friendly adult to heat up the milk until it is hot, but not boiling
Now ask the adult to carefully pour the milk into the bowl
Add the vinegar to the milk and stir it up with a spoon for about a minute
Now the fun part, pour the milk through the strainer into the sink - careful it may be hot!
Left behind in the strainer is a mass of lumpy blobs.
When it is cool enough, you can rinse the blobs off in water while you press them together .
Now just mold it into a shape and it will harden in a few days. - Cool!

Plastic? In milk? Well, sort of. You made a substance called CASIN. It's from the latin word meaning "cheese." Casin occurs when the protien in the milk meets the acid in the vinegar. The casin in milk does not mix with the acid and so it forms blobs. True plastics, called poymers, are a little different. If you want to make a true plastic and learn more about polymers, try the Homemade Slime experiment. Have fun!

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